Chinese translation for "computerized information system"
- 计算机化情报系统
Related Translations:
computerized: 电脑化的电子计算机化的借助计算机实现自动化的用电子计算机处理的用计算机的,计算机化的装有计算机的装有子电计算机的
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Some problems about crime of destroying computerized information system 关于破坏计算机信息系统罪的几个问题 | | 2. | Making use of computerized information system in hospitals to calculate beneficial salaries 利用医院信息系统搞好效益工资核算 | | 3. | In addition to their use in performing the traditional functions of accounting and payroll calculations , computerized information systems are now being used to maintain easily accessible employee data that are valuable in job placement and labor utilization 除了在履行传统的会计和工资计算职能上利用它们之外,计算机化的信息系统被用于保管轻松可取的员工数据,这些数据对工作安排和劳动力使用是颇具价值的。 |
- Similar Words:
- "computerized hologram" Chinese translation, "computerized hyphenation" Chinese translation, "computerized image reconstruction" Chinese translation, "computerized immigration control" Chinese translation, "computerized information" Chinese translation, "computerized instruction" Chinese translation, "computerized interpretation" Chinese translation, "computerized inventory control system" Chinese translation, "computerized inventory system" Chinese translation, "computerized knowledgebase" Chinese translation